Thursday, October 19, 2023

Jolly Phonics - Group 1

S – Move your hand in an s shape, like a snake. Say ssssss.


The snake is in the grass

The snake is in the grass   

Sss sss

The snake is in the grass


A Move your fingers above the elbow, as if ants are crawling on you. Say a, a, a.


A a ants on my arm

A a ants on my arm

A a ants on my arm

They’re causing me alarm


T Move your head from side to side as if you are watching a tennis game. Say t, t, t.


When I watch the tennis game

Ttt ttt

When I watch the tennis game

My head goes back and forth


I Pretend to be a mouse by wiggling your fingers at the end of your nose, like wiskers, and squeak. Say i, i, i, i.


Inky the mouse is my pet

She spilled the ink and got wet

The ink it spread all over the desk 

Iiii inkys wet


P – Hold up your finger, as if it is a candle, and pretend to puff it out. Say p, p, p, p.


Puff out the candles on the pink pig cake

Ppp ppp

Puff out the candles on the pink pig cake

Puff puff puff  


N – Pretend to be a plane, with your arms out like wings. Say n, n, n, n.


Hear the aeroplane Nnn 

Hear the aeroplane Nnn 

Hear the aeroplane Nnn 

Making lots of noise